Why hello there, 

It’s April – Like well into April. The last few weeks at work have been rough and so literally April 1st came around and I had no energy to design for myself. The struggle of being full time and freelancer/designer alll the time. BUT- we are here with a dope playlist this month! 

So….. some pretty cool things are starting up and taking shape. Say Less Design Studio is coming early summer!!! Randi and I are working to get everything ready. We’ve been in the Stu – gathering our work and building some great stuff. That’s all I can share because we want everyone to be surprised with what we produce!! But just know, it’s coming and YALL AINT READY !! 

It’s been cool to see a lot of ideas come into fruition. If you know me and my friends, we have a million BIG ideas. A million. It’s something small but I’m so grateful for them and actually seeing us flourish and make those ideas into real/tangibles things. Again YALL AINT READY!! 

The Music – ugh I don’t know about you but to me these are getting better and better. (I’m only tooting my horn a lil) this by far is GOOD ONE!  I’ve been in a mood to find new music and rediscover some older tunes that never saw the day of light. A lot fresh takes and just plain ole good music. That’s what I’m all about now. I just love me some good behind music. I hope I bring/show/put y’all on to some good jams. This month – I’m super excited about Hope Tala and Joesef. Their music has been hitting the right spot. Check out Hope Tala’s last EP- she def one of my favorite new artist! 

Well that’s it for me!!

Keep creating, 

The Olive Wave

Cheyenne Jacobs