Hi there,

Is this thing working? Can I say I am quite excited I am posting this under my own website! UNDER THE OLIVE WAVE. Craziness! I originally started this personal project where I am going to curate playlists and design the look of it every month. In hopes that I start designing a little bit more for myself. I strongly believe in side projects to keep me sane and to help my craft. Within this personal project, I want to be open and honest in sharing more of who I am, my work and my thought process behind my work. I wanted to use this platform to design work for myself especially since I will be establishing myself as a designer now that I graduated school. Music is something that I have always been connected to. This has become the perfect way combine my love for music and my passion for graphic design in one. You can call it a blog, I will call it just frequent uploading my opinions. In either event, my playlist has a proper home.

My life has been a whirlwind in the last month hence this post is a few days late. My last post, I was in London and had to throw together something (not like i have a huge following and they would be disappointed but I had to do it for myself.) I left the country in search for inspiration. School beat me up so bad and took so much of my energy. I need to recharge. I honestly felt that I needed a mental break and my trip to Milan and London provided that for me. My sister and I had a ball in Europe this time around and I love to travel because you come home so refreshed.

Shortly after my trip,  we got a call that my grandmother went into cardiac arrest and essentially was put into a seduced coma once they found a heart beat. Man, coming off from such a high and into a real low point after hearing such news did something to me. We went down to visit her and the first few days hit me real hard. It really put into perspective that life is very precious and is not guaranteed to anybody. You never know what could happen. Thankfully my grandmother, made it through. She was a fighter and to see her get stronger and healthier each day was a blessing. She has had a real impact on me growing into the person I am today and I am so thankful she is still with us. I can happily say she home now!  All of these things that has happened to me in the last month, really taught me to be the best I can be every day. I have so much opportunity to create, help others and enjoy life that I should make the most out of it. IT crazy that you have to go through stuff like this sometimes to realize how precious living is but it grounds you. I know everything that has happened to me in the past month alone has humbled me to the point where I am so thankful  I am here.

This playlist is inspired of the dog days of summer and how I want the rest of the summer to radiate with energy. Summer is coming to a close but that doesn’t mean its the end! There’s still a lot I want to accomplish in the next month. I created this playlist cause I honestly want the rest of the summer to feel like these songs. Feel Good Music. I hope you enjoy!! [AND LOOK Y’ALL I GOT THE PLAYLIST IN THE ACTUAL POST haha]

Keep Creating,

The Olive Wave

Cheyenne Jacobs