Hola! I mean at this point I don’t why I keep mentioning how fast time is blowing by but we are at the half way point!!! It’s friggin July which means mid-point check in. So how am I doing lol?? Umm… I’m doing really well besides the fact that I’ve have entered the dreaded threshold of trying to catch up on ALL the time from this past service year by putting in like 200 hours for the next two months.
I hope I can say I’ve grown in the last 6 months. I’ve accomplished a lot of cool things in the last 6 months that has given me the confidence to really put myself out there more. That has been really empowering. I do get stuck in my own ways and I am really trying to branch out more and experiment more in life, my design work, everything. I am finally figuring out what it means to take care of Cheyenne…. in all aspects especially mentally. I have a tendency to hold onto to things that’s not best for me even if it was best for me a year ago. I found myself getting to this point that I keep doing the same things over and over expecting a different outcome and I found that has been detrimental for me realizing my worth. I’ve had people really close to me tell me I deserve this and deserve better but I really had to believe that and tbh I didn’t take their words to heart. I have had to change old habits/thinking/mindsets and get rid of the things/people that are holding me back at this very moment. All lessons for sure and I appreciate everything but I am learning to put that in it’s place.
I didn’t realize that I give all the time! ALL THE TIME! My job is help people solve problem through design. I volunteer my free time to help people get to know the Bible. I love helping my friends and family but I’ve gotten to this point where I need to take care of myself. I deserve to give myself a break and really focus on Cheyenne. It wasn’t till the last couple of months that I really started to believe that and to starting making changes. I’m happy. I have the people around me that I want around me and that will help me be the best me and challenge me to do better. Hopefully in the next 6 months, I will see even more growth. SO- that’s my mid-point check in.
Now let’s get to this playlist! These are my final thoughts/feelings in a playlist. I kind of put together a list of songs that I equally love on their own so I just complied them altogether and surprisingly I like them as group. The title is self explanatory haha. I’m already thinking about next month’s playlist!!! I’m hype! I am going to change it up a little cause it has to match my next adventure. So stay tuned. Enjoy!
Keep Creating,
The Olive Wave